Thursday, January 18, 2007

Grief is not skin deep

this post was too angst ridden to leave, but the picture is pretty!


JamilaLighthouse said...

Dear Suroor, this sounds very angsty i know, but it's ok, they are just memories! I am enjoying them in a way, enjoying not being ashamed of having felt so intensely. I'm a much more peaceful person now, but i wasn't always and I used to want to hide that, as though it made me defunct somehow. But I'm realising that a dysfunctional past can be a catalyst for future strengths so it is not something to be embarrassed by. Sometimes we get caught up with the stigma. Love you too!!!!

UmmBadier said...

Uhhhh. My many journals and films and negatives are neatly packed in boxes where I shipped them off to make hijra to! I so regret it. I need to put in my will that they be destroyed sould I not be able to do so myself, inshallah!

JamilaLighthouse said...

Are you making Hijra soon?

UmmBadier said...

Inshallah. We moved all of our things to my husband's country...I think you've been there??? Visited for 9ish months, locked everything up in storage in his familie's home, came to here for some silly reasons and then got financialy stuck here. Alhumdiallah, because Allah is the best of planners and HERE has been quite an experience for us. So, now we are planning to go back because he does have family obligations being the only son and then, inshallah, making yet another hijra to someplace better...Neither my husband or I are very good planners, so alhumdiallah we just keep becoming better believers!

JamilaLighthouse said...

Insh'Allah it goes well for you. I really wanted to go and live overseas but now I'm not so sure. I'm scared my kids would be impacted by the weight of culture and lose sight of the Islam underneath. We'll see...

UmmBadier said...

Exactly. That's why we hope to make hijrah to the most Muslimest place available, inshallah. I mean when I read blogs by sisters living in Saudi, they all seem to agree Saudi's are fairly horrible in many aspects of their culture...but it's still better than (insert generic US city). Alhumdiallah, my hubby's family is more Muslim than culturally challenged...I think I am too, inshallah.

JamilaLighthouse said...

I hope it works out for you, inshaAllah. I don't know about Saudi Islam not being influenced by culture though. Wahabi Islam is heavily tied up with the history of the Hijaz.

UmmBadier said...

I'm so inadequate when I write! I meant to say Saudi was not our utmost goal...we want to find a community where people are practicing Inshallah or atleast we can practise our best with hubbies family! You see why I don't blog...

JamilaLighthouse said...

i wish you did blog, i like to read your comments!

JourneyIntoLight said...

And is the message here to read Jamila's postings every day, otherwise she might delete them and then you're curious about what you missed :)

You write such thoughtful stuff - I do read regularly.

JamilaLighthouse said...

Assalamu Alaikoum, I know i'm a prolific deleter, but I keep more than I delete!