Friday, December 29, 2006

Eid Mubarak

This post is now password protected at my wordpress blog.


PM said...

Eid Mubarak sis,

I could eally relate to the situation of sitting around with everyone speaking another language. In my case I understand a lot of what is said but can't jump into the conversation because my Arabic is weak and of a different dialect so everybody laughs at me! ;-)))

Glad you had a good day. Give Mr. MiniLighthouse a kiss from Granny PM.

Salaam Alaikum,

JamilaLighthouse said...

Salams PM, Hope you are enjoying your Eid too.

Alhamdulillah at least you understand! I don't expect them to translate everything, mybe one sentence every thirty minutes would be good! My husband always tries to include me when we first get there and then he just forgets...I know it's not personal but it makes me feel like an idiot just sitting there.

Mr MiniLighthouse sends you a big milky burp!

Rain said...

Eid Mubarak!

I can relate to sitting and not understanding... It can be frustrating.

It's good to hear that you got some alone time and bush time, tho.

al-maraya said...

Eid Mubarak or, as the rebel in me so frequently likes to say, "Happy Feast!" ;)

Alhamdullilah, language has never been an issue for me not because I am anywhere near proficient in Arabic, but because my husband, his family, and our friends have always gone out of their way to make sure that someone translates for me when needed. Far from the shy and retiring type, I've always just asked for a translation if the conversation goes on too long in Arabic and someone needs to fill me in on what has been said, LOL!